Baby Jogger BJ21312 City Versa Stroller - Silver deal

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Baby Jogger BJ21312 City Versa Stroller - Silver

Ashrita Furman, of Queens, NY, is known as "Mr. Versatility," for his unusual hobby: beating Guinness World Records. As of 2011, he held 121 titles in a wild variety of categories, ranging from the impressive to the absurd. For instance, Furman's first record, in 1979, required him to do 27,000 jumping jacks in a row, which is pretty amazing. We're not sure about the utility of being the fastest to duct-tape yourself to a wall, though, or eating jelly with chopsticks. However, there's no argument that the versatile skills of the Baby Jogger City Versa Stroller will come in handy for you and your baby. The City Versa baby stroller's main attraction, of course, is the reversible seat: you can turn the seat around in seconds to face you or to face the world. And you can fold your Baby Jogger City Versa Stroller with the seat facing in either direction! The designers at Baby Jogger conceived the City Versa baby stroller as a hybrid of two of their most popular models: the Baby Jogger City Select and the Baby Jogger City Mini strollers. The Versa is lighter than the Select, but because it doesn't take a second seat, it has a larger seat and a higher weight limit (50 pounds). But the Versa has the City Select stroller's reversible seat and broad chassis, with four 8" EVA plastic wheels, and adds all-wheel suspension for an even smoother ride. For comfy city strolling, the Baby Jogger City Versa stroller has a four-position recline, an enormous adjustable canopy with peek-a-boo windows (magnetic closures mean that you can check on your sleeping baby silently), and an adjustable handlebar. The stroller basket is also huge, and a low rear u-bar makes it easy to access, so you can easily fit your diaper bag, or groceries, or other baby necessities. And when it's time to pack up for the day, the Baby Jogger City Versa stroller has a wonderfully simple and compact fold: it actually folds as small as the City Mini! You can execute the two-step fold one-handed whether the seat is forward-facing or rear-facing, and then pop your folded stroller into any car trunk. Baby Jogger's quick-fold technology never disappoints. The Baby Jogger City Versa Stroller may not be setting any records for pogo-stick-jumping or hula-hooping, but when it comes to city strolling, this lovely little reversible stroller has all the versatility you need.

Baby Jogger City Versa Stroller - Silver
Baby Jogger City Versa Stroller
Baby Jogger City Versa Stroller

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