Peg Perego Switch Four Baby Stroller Pois Grey deal

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Peg Perego Switch Four Baby Stroller Pois Grey

The Switch Four stroller is travel system compatible which means that our Primo Viaggio SIP 30-30 car seat (sold separately) attaches easily to the chassis for the convenience of moving baby from home to car to stroller and back home. It also closes easily without the seat or with the seat attached in either the stroller or carriage mode. You can switch the seat to face forward or backward, there is a detachable cup holder and telescoping handles and a one hand umbrella-style folding. The Switch Four stroller is compact and has height adjustable handles with rubber inserts, all wheels suspension and an independent brake at the rear. It features a large basket, zippered hood and loop for baby's favorite toy. Backrest reclines to several positions and leg rest is adjustable to 3 positions. Maximum weight of child is 45 lbs. Stroller weighs 24 lbs. One-year warranty.

Peg Perego Switch Four (Pois Grey)

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